Week Forty-Eight Thoughts

My thoughts this week bring me to the first three chapters of Hosea. The first time I read Hosea, I remember being surprised and almost taken back, especially chapter 1 and 3. In the book of Hosea, we see the LORD tell Hosea to go marry a woman of harlotry (promiscuity/or an adulteress woman). Hosea is a prophet and is told to go marry a promiscuous woman by God, quite the start to a book of the Bible. A prophet was someone that heard from God and proclaimed the truth that God would give them. In the case of Hosea we see God showing him quite vividly the unfaithfulness of Israel, through having him marry someone that was going to obviously be unfaithful to him.

Hosea had a tough calling, not only to knowingly marry someone that was unfaithful, but then see in the people he was a part of, Israel, their unfaithfulness to God. Along with this he was called to prophesy against them. In fact he had to give his children pretty terrible names in light of God’s feelings towards Israel, what fun that must have been. My thought of this week is pretty simple… I do not envy Hosea at all, and isn’t the Bible full of interesting accounts.

Thanks for reading!

Pastor Josh