Week Twenty-Nine Thoughts

My thoughts for this week bring me back to the book of James. In chapter five of James we have a warning to the rich. What is the first thing you think about when you hear rich? If you are anything like me it might be, well that doesn’t pertain to me, I’m not rich or I don’t have that much. I think for most of us we would feel that way, but I believe especially as Americans we are actually very well off. Not only are we getting by, but we are able to fulfill wants and not just needs a lot of times, and when we look at a lot of other parts of the world we would be considered rich. I also want you to take some time to think about not only money and possessions, but think about the talents, gifts, and skills that you possess.

What has God given you in this life? This is the first question I think we should ask ourselves, not what do i possess, but what has God given me. This way we don’t have the concept of all I have is mine and I have earned it myself, thus it is mine to do what I want. Your gifts and skills were given to you by God. He created you, and even that hard work you put in to cultivate those gifts and skills, God has given you that desire and work ethic. As a Christian, we are all rich, not necessarily monetarily rich or skill rich, but rich in hope and rich in the Kingdom to Come.

The question we must ask ourselves is, what are we doing with our wealth? If we have much, are we helping those in need? If we are skilled to serve others or build things, are we serving others and helping where we can? If we are good cooks, are we sharing in meals and fellowship? If we have the Good News and Hope within us, are we sharing it? Let us take some time to evaluate what we are doing with what we have. I’m sure we can all grow in our willingness and practice of using our riches for Christ’s glory. Don’t let your riches (monetary, skills, knowledge, faith, etc.) go to waste, use them! Let us be less selfish, and more like Christ.

Thanks for reading,

Pastor Josh